Glue-free panels

Five solid, 30 mm thick single boards made of 100% Black Forest white pine are joined together with dovetail connections and an innovative processing technique to make our absolutely glue- and toxin-free GFM panels.

The GFM panels can be processed easily by every carpenter and are a cost-effective method of creating glue-free building frames out of pure wood without using airtight plastic foils.

Every home builder who uses GFM panels will realize, at the very latest when they step into the wooden-frame of the house under construction, that they have made the right decision: The aroma is of the finest Black Forest wood. Traditionally built  wooden frame houses which use wooden composite boards smell different …

Building biologists recommend GFM panels!

I would be happy to present the GFM products to you personally.
I’m looking forward to hearing from you.

Dieter Junker